2007年7月20日 星期五


During this trip of course I brought my electronic dictionary to New Zealand. However, I was very surprised when I saw other students (ex: from South America and Europe) they still carry the presswork dictionary.
I still remember one young Argentinian girl asked me on her first school day : "Why everyone has a small computer?" She is 19 years old and she has never seen an electronic dictionary before! That's why she thought they were small computers!
One teacher explained that an electronic dictionary is only popular within East Asia. The "translator" is rare in South America and Europe.

But I think regarding learning English there is still has a little bit of difference between East Asian and South American/European. Asians are more difficult. Most of the people from South America they speak Spanish, Spanish uses "ABCDEF" I am not sure of every European language, however I believe mostly they use "ABCDEF" as well.
On the other hand, East Asian systems mostly have their own characters. For instance, Chinese character【漢字】the system is totally different from ABCDEF. So maybe that is the reason we need a more functional device such as an electronic dictionary to translate faster.
Hey hey, next time during a short trip I may bring the dictionary "book" out, and see what's will going on?! (I can imagine people call me a "nut")
